Ulysses and his crew struggle against the divine entities that rule the universe, the ancient gods from Greek mythology.
Claude Giraud (Acting)
Amélie Morin (Acting)
André Valmy (Acting)
Annie Sinigalia (Acting)
Arlette Thomas (Acting)
Fabrice Josso (Acting)
Francine Lainé (Acting)
Françoise Fleury (Acting)
Gilles Laurent (Acting)
Jean Barney (Acting)
Jean Michaud (Acting)
Jean Topart (Acting)
Marion Loran (Acting)
William Sabatier (Acting)
Louis Arbessier (Acting)
Vlasta Vrana (Acting)
Jackie Berger (Acting)
Evelyne Séléna (Acting)
Matt Birman (Crew)
7 March 2019
1 November 1999
13 November 2018
9 April 1999
21 February 2020
1 October 2021
7 October 2006
6 October 1985
10 September 1994
6 April 2002
28 October 2021
10 February 2023
9 November 1968
13 September 1986
11 November 2022
26 October 1985
14 September 1985
1 February 2017
3 October 1981