Imagine a strong and tender hearted woman, a confused man and a villain capable of everything to get money. We have the perfect love triangle to a classic love story.
Marcos Palmeira (Acting)
Camila Pitanga (Acting)
Paolla Oliveira (Acting)
Carmo Dalla Vecchia (Acting)
Heloísa Périssé (Acting)
Marcello Novaes (Acting)
Isabela Garcia (Acting)
Aílton Graça (Acting)
Dudu Azevedo (Acting)
Land Vieira (Acting)
Raquel Villar (Acting)
Bianca Salgueiro (Acting)
Ângelo Antônio (Acting)
Emanuelle Araújo (Acting)
Pedro Paulo Rangel (Acting)
Suely Franco (Acting)
Paulo Goulart (Acting)
Ronny Kriwat (Acting)
Marcella Valente (Acting)
Luana Martau (Acting)
Rosi Campos (Acting)
Marcella Rica (Acting)
Paula Burlamaqui (Acting)
Rainer Cadete (Acting)
Ilva Niño (Acting)
Daniel Boaventura (Acting)
Yoná Magalhães (Acting)
Rafael Miguel (Acting)
Guta Gonçalves (Acting)
Berta Loran (Acting)
Luis Gustavo (Acting)
Tony Tornado (Acting)
Nivea Stelmann (Acting)
Norma Blum (Acting)
Juliana Paiva (Acting)
11 October 2017
20 May 2018
27 May 2002
8 June 2015
2 December 2014
25 February 2013
10 September 2018
29 October 2018
19 July 2016
2 August 2010
17 May 2004
22 January 2007
8 January 2013
9 June 2008
9 February 1998
29 November 2016
14 August 1995
19 September 2005
23 May 2016
31 January 1994
5 October 2009