Explore what makes us laugh, why, and how that's influenced our social and political landscape throughout history.
Ali Wong (Acting)
Larry David (Writing)
Rain Pryor (Acting)
Gilbert Gottfried (Acting)
David Zucker (Production)
Kent Alterman (Production)
Rob Reiner (Acting)
Betty White (Acting)
Patton Oswalt (Acting)
Judd Apatow (Directing)
Cindy Chupack (Writing)
Bobcat Goldthwait (Acting)
Lewis Black (Acting)
Larry Charles (Directing)
Jim Jefferies (Acting)
Arsenio Hall (Acting)
Jerry Zucker (Production)
Craig Ferguson (Acting)
Sarah Silverman (Acting)
Keegan-Michael Key (Acting)
"Weird Al" Yankovic (Acting)
Marc Maron (Acting)
Laraine Newman (Acting)
Al Franken (Acting)
Harry Shearer (Acting)
Robert B. Weide (Directing)
W. Kamau Bell (Acting)
Samantha Bee (Acting)
Neal Brennan (Acting)
Kevin Smith (Directing)
Carol Burnett (Acting)
Carl Reiner (Acting)
Jimmy Kimmel (Acting)
Maria Bamford (Acting)
Adam McKay (Directing)
Conan O'Brien (Acting)
Robert Klein (Acting)
P. J. O'Rourke (Acting)
Elayne Boosler (Acting)
19 February 2017
6 May 2007
8 January 2019
6 May 2019
2 May 2018
17 April 2011
25 July 2010
17 December 1989
23 November 2022
6 November 2001
29 August 2005
22 September 2004
17 September 2021
24 June 2015
19 March 2021
24 September 2007
2 December 2013
1 October 2006
17 September 2013
12 November 2019
9 February 2017