This story revolves around the lives of three teenagers, Berg, Pete and Sharon and how their lives are entwined. It further deals with the bonds they share with each other.
Traylor Howard (Acting)
Ryan Reynolds (Acting)
Richard Ruccolo (Acting)
Suzanne Cryer (Acting)
Nathan Fillion (Acting)
Jillian Bach (Acting)
24 March 2005
22 September 1994
11 January 2004
4 August 2005
5 July 1989
19 September 2005
6 April 2014
3 November 1993
3 February 2006
2 October 2001
2 November 2003
9 April 2009
1 April 2016
17 September 2009
24 September 2007
23 September 2009
20 September 2005
7 August 2002
6 June 1998
20 September 2011
10 March 1998