A story of love, friendship, survival and triumph spanning five decades from the Texas Revolution through the Civil War, Reconstruction and beyond.
Angelina Jolie (Acting)
Dana Delany (Acting)
Annabeth Gish (Acting)
Tina Majorino (Acting)
Rachael Leigh Cook (Acting)
Michael York (Acting)
Tony Todd (Acting)
Michael Greyeyes (Acting)
Powers Boothe (Acting)
Irene Bedard (Acting)
Charles S. Dutton (Acting)
Salli Richardson-Whitfield (Acting)
John Schneider (Acting)
Julie Carmen (Acting)
Jeffrey Nordling (Acting)
Matthew Glave (Acting)
Miles Fisher (Acting)
10 June 2005
1 October 1978
6 November 2011
27 July 2020
25 June 2006
17 February 2023
29 January 2006
25 December 1988
19 September 1971
7 April 1985
14 April 2023
25 September 1956
8 September 2015
15 September 1949
9 February 1977
2 October 1958
24 September 1964
4 October 1957
15 October 1955
12 April 2006
18 May 1997