He Knew He Was Right was a 2004 BBC TV adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel He Knew He Was Right. It was directed by Tom Vaughan.
Bill Nighy (Acting)
Geoffrey Palmer (Acting)
Laura Fraser (Acting)
Christina Cole (Acting)
Geraldine James (Acting)
Joanna David (Acting)
Stephen Campbell Moore (Acting)
Jane Lapotaire (Acting)
Raymond Coulthard (Acting)
Oliver Dimsdale (Acting)
Amy Marston (Acting)
Maggie Ollerenshaw (Acting)
Anna Massey (Acting)
David Tennant (Acting)
Ron Cook (Acting)
Fenella Woolgar (Acting)
Claudie Blakley (Acting)
Barbara Flynn (Acting)
Matthew Goode (Acting)
Patsy Palmer (Acting)
Lynn Farleigh (Acting)
John Alderton (Acting)
Sarah Crowden (Acting)
Anna-Louise Plowman (Acting)
James Bolam (Acting)
11 December 2020
26 October 2008
9 January 2013
17 November 1996
9 August 2014
17 September 2021
19 March 2021
23 October 2020
12 September 2013
4 December 2011
15 July 2016
15 January 2023
4 July 2014
2 December 2013
14 December 2015
10 December 2020
20 January 2008
23 September 2008
8 April 1990
24 September 2007
18 April 2004