Sassy space-trucker Dallas and self-proclaimed warrior-poet Robo navigate their way around cannibal bikers, rival space truckers, and vending machine burritos as they try to make a buck in the seedy world of interplanetary big-rigging.
Kat Dennings (Acting)
John Cena (Acting)
Milana Vayntrub (Acting)
Stephen Root (Acting)
Tim Blake Nelson (Acting)
Dana Snyder (Acting)
Jane Lynch (Acting)
Giancarlo Esposito (Acting)
Clancy Brown (Acting)
Taran Killam (Acting)
3 April 1998
14 September 1987
16 March 2018
25 February 1960
29 August 2011
27 August 1993
5 July 2005
17 September 1965
1 April 2016
14 October 1972
28 February 2018
15 July 1998
28 May 2016
11 April 1972
10 December 2000
6 February 1982
2 October 2016
28 December 1986
27 February 1979
28 July 2023
30 May 2018