Story about two boys who want ponies for Christmas but their family can only afford one. The horse owner, who is bitter about the loss of his son in the war, is softened by the boys' sacrifice for each other.
Tudor Owen (Acting)
Forrest Taylor (Acting)
Chick Chandler (Acting)
3 January 1993
2 April 1969
29 June 1966
25 March 2000
10 August 2022
5 December 2000
14 May 2002
22 April 2016
30 August 2011
23 October 2014
7 November 1956
28 September 2023
7 March 1986
21 August 2001
10 September 2020
20 October 2022
30 December 1998
8 June 2003
1 December 1956