The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'kmaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague.
Michael Greyeyes (Acting)
Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers (Acting)
Forrest Goodluck (Acting)
Kiowa Gordon (Acting)
Olivia Scriven (Acting)
Stonehorse Lone Goeman (Acting)
Brandon Oakes (Acting)
William Belleau (Acting)
Devery Jacobs (Acting)
Gary Farmer (Acting)
Kent McQuaid (Acting)
Felicia Shulman (Acting)
Lake Delisle (Acting)
Trevor Hayes (Acting)
Marc Assiniwi (Acting)
Natalie Liconti (Acting)
Sylvano Harvey (Acting)
Sébastien Bolduc (Acting)
Tanner Zipchen (Acting)
24 April 1989
28 February 2020
19 May 2020
24 August 2018
24 October 1976
21 April 2014
16 December 2009
2 February 1974
10 February 2019
1 January 1987
1 February 1961
12 February 2016
17 October 2019
28 March 1980
30 August 2019
7 October 2020
10 December 2021
15 January 2020
31 August 2018
5 September 2019