Burgundy, France. Solange's 60th birthday celebrations are violently interrupted by her estranged brother, Bernard. His outburst will reawaken painful memories and reveal untold stories of the Algerian War.
Gérard Depardieu (Acting)
Catherine Frot (Acting)
Jean-Pierre Darroussin (Acting)
Yoann Zimmer (Acting)
Félix Kysyl (Acting)
Édouard Sulpice (Acting)
Fleur Fitoussi (Acting)
Ahmed Hammoud (Acting)
Clotilde Mollet (Acting)
Amelle Chahbi (Acting)
Mohamed Kafi (Acting)
Farid Larbi (Acting)
Michel Ferracci (Acting)
Jérôme Robart (Acting)
Catherine Chevallier (Acting)
Sophie Pincemaille (Acting)
Brigitte De Villepoix (Acting)
François Feroleto (Acting)
Bertrand Constant (Acting)
Charlotte Talpaert (Acting)
Yannick Morzelle (Acting)
Simon Parmentier (Acting)
Jean-Baptiste Le Vaillant (Acting)
Lilian Dugois (Acting)
Antoine de Foucauld (Acting)
Kamal Haimoud (Acting)
Sylvain Hawawini (Acting)
Safaa Khatami (Acting)
Rim Fethi (Acting)
Eve Arbez (Acting)
Gaïa Warnant (Acting)
Naïm Baha (Acting)
Inès Baha (Acting)
Hatim Sadiqi (Acting)
Anthony Sonigo (Acting)
Mikaël Halimi (Acting)
Julie Roux (Acting)
14 January 2021
20 September 2018
24 November 2010
30 June 2021
8 September 2010
2 June 2021
17 May 2021
24 December 1996
9 December 1981
7 October 2021
9 July 2021
18 December 1975
20 November 2020
29 January 2021
18 March 2021
22 November 2006
23 December 2020
15 September 2021
19 February 2016
27 October 2017
31 August 2020